
How Your Career Develops When Your Leadership Abilities Develop

How Your Career Develops When Your Leadership Abilities Develop

How Your Career Develops When Your Leadership Abilities Develop

When people come to us for career development, we tell them the most powerful thing they can do is commit to their own personal growth… and their career will inevitably take care of itself. 

Let me explain this further!

The secret behind advancing your career, is to take responsibility for and commit to your own personal growth. This signifies progressing YOU as a person. Not what you DO, your skills or talents, but instead, who you ‘BE’.

When we talk about who you BE, we are referring to you as the whole person. Your innate strengths, your values, your beliefs, your thought patterns, your ability to deal with the highs and lows. Your capacity for self-awareness and self-regulation. All of you – your physical self, your intellectual self, your spiritual self and your emotional self!

This is Your Year

When looking to climb the career ladder and gain the next level of progression, it is beneficial to stop and consider if this progression aligns with ‘who you BE’. 

Does the next step bring out the best in you? Are you totally passionate about where it will take you? Do you want to apply all of your energies to this advancement or are you doing it because of some external factors? 

We often get caught up in the external factors and see a title, a role, a pay rise, job security or a higher rung on the ladder as the ultimate achievement. But what happens if that next rung on the ladder is sucking the life out of you? 

What if that next rung is not in alignment with who you BE? 

What happens when that next rung is going against your values? 

Do you know your values? Do you know your thought patterns? Do you know who you BE?

Career progression is easy when it aligns with who you BE! Yes. You read that right. 

Career progression is easy when it aligns with who you BE!

When you are working on who you are BEING and advancing as your true Authentic self, then your career can progress with ease. 

When we coach and train our clients, we work on who they BE, not what they DO, or think they want to do. 

Armed with the ability to identify their values, their strengths, their beliefs, how to even out the highs and the lows and magnify their self-awareness and self-regulation, they discover a progression in their career happens alongside their personal development. 

Developing and enhancing who you BE is the essential link to career progression! 

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