
How To Change Your Self-Talk And Accomplish So Much More!

How To Change Your Self-Talk And Accomplish So Much More!

How To Change Your Self-Talk And Accomplish So Much More!

The world’s greatest leaders and innovative thinkers, use the power of the word to create the biggest actionable change! 

Words shape our entire existence. 

We have seen the lasting impact of words from speeches by legends such as Malala Yousafzai, Martin Luther King, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Nelson Mandela and many more. 

Our words are a vehicle for expressing our thoughts, feelings, imagination and future actions we wish to perform.

Are you aware of the far-reaching impact that your words have on yourself and others?

Have you noticed how you feel when you are engaging in negative self-talk, focusing on the things you cannot control, as opposed to engaging in positive self-talk with those uplifting moments of being in control and utilizing optimistic and inspirational self-talk? 

When we experience a great deal of negativity in our Internal world, we are highly likely to experience a great deal of negativity in our External world too! 

If you regularly say any of the following to yourself; I’m not good enough, there is no way I could ever do that, they are better than me, that person has it in for me, they are trying to take me down, no-one listens to me…, then this is what your Internal AND External world will reflect. 

No-one will listen to you, people will respond negatively to you, you won’t be included in projects… need I go on?

What we focus on, we get more of!

By changing the words we use, we can directly influence how we feel internally and the course of action we take. 

If we say to ourselves that a situation is terrible, too hard, difficult or unmanageable… then we are right

TRUTH BOMB: We won’t be able to manage it! 

However, if we say to ourselves that a situation is a bit challenging instead of impossible, and we get curious about what it might take to change our thoughts towards it… we will experience a much higher vibe and behave in a more uplifting and elevated way. 

TRUTH BOMB: We will handle the situation with flow and ease!

When you tweak your words and engage in self-talk that cultivates options and solutions, you will accomplish so much more! You will take that tiny step towards expanding your thoughts, feelings and imagination and progress your future to a whole new level! Your life will be extraordinary, because YOU are extraordinary.

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