
How To Accomplish Happiness Every Day

How To Accomplish Happiness Every Day

How To Accomplish Happiness Every Day

When I (Christine) made the decision to make my happiness the No. 1 priority every day, my world drastically changed for the better!

 A whole lot of opportunities emerged for me. People wanted to connect with me, I was more productive, things were not as challenging and the best thing was, I had more energy at the end of the day. 

I cultivated a mindset that enabled me to shift my thought patterns and focus on what I had, what I was accomplishing and who I was becoming. I began engaging in habits that set me up to enjoy life even more.


Now all this doesn’t mean I am happy 24/7. Life happens, things challenge me and knowing I cannot control everything or everyone is part of the true meaning of happiness! 

Being in a state of true happiness is described by positive psychology researcher Sonja Lyubomirsky, as “frequent experiences of joy, contentment, or positive well-being, combined with a sense that one’s life is good, meaningful, and worthwhile.”  

Happiness is not just having a smile on ya dial, or claiming that everything is fine and you are okay. The science of happiness is well versed in the fact that we all face unexpected challenges and problems. Things happen and we experience a setback. Challenges and stress are part of life, but the key is knowing how to deal with them. When we are in a state of true happiness, we are able to find meaning in the situation and still feel worthwhile, knowing that we can get through the tough times with a sense of positive well-being. 

Be Happy

Happiness is not about being rich or affording everything you want, it’s not a final destination, and it certainly isn’t about feeling good all the time. 

The key to accomplishing happiness is deciding to make happiness your No. 1 priority every day. Opportunities will appear before you, your productivity will increase and life will become much easier. 

Make happiness your No.1 priority, find meaning in everything you do and keep moving forward with momentum, no matter what! 

You too can accomplish happiness every single day.

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