The world is simple and so is life!
It can be…
The truth is, we choose to make it chaotic, we choose to make it complex and we choose to make it hard.
The reason we make life chaotic, complex or hard is because we choose to live in our past stories that do not serve us. We allow our past limiting stories to define us. We choose to give away our power to others. We allow the responses and reactions of others to influence our every thought, feeling and action.
There are many things in this world that you CAN control and many things obviously you cannot. You can control what you think, how you feel and the actions you take. You can control how you interpret a response, or the meaning you give to a situation. You cannot control the way someone responds to you, the outcome of events when other people are involved, or what someone thinks of you.
For instance: Someone may think you are lying, when you are telling the truth. Someone may dislike you because you have more qualifications than them. Someone may deem you incompetent even if you are not. It’s the way it is.
You must accept the fact you will be disliked!
You will not be everyone’s cup of tea.
You will not be everyone’s flavour of the month.
In many ways the behaviour and thoughts of others is NOT ABOUT YOU. It’s about them! They project their own internal failings onto others. They think (often unconsciously) they can make themselves feel better by sharing their dislike of you with putdowns, insults, impossible demands or criticism.
You must accept the fact you will be disliked! When you do, you take back your power and reduce the chaos.
How do you succeed in this cutthroat world of STEMM and present the best version of you? You must have the courage to be disliked.
Set yourself up just as Marcus Aurelius (Roman emperor from 161 to 180 (AD) and Stoic philosopher) did each day as he woke. He would prepare for the day with his daily routine of activity, a mantra, an intention for the day, and accept that during his day he would come across people who didn’t like him. Then he would step into the day with optimism, courage and purposeful intention.
This is a powerful strategy that can have a massive positive impact for you and your day. You are controlling the controllables and acknowledging that as long as you have the courage to be disliked, you can take back your power, and achieve whatever you want in your life.
Remember you can’t always control what happens to you, but you CAN control how YOU react to it. Will you allow someone else’s responses to dictate your life OR will you control the controllables, instigate your courage to be disliked and rise to the occasion to live your best life?!
These are your options.